Female Sex Tourism: A growing global buzzword.

Female Sex Tourism

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The vast majority of the people do not consider female tourists with sex related activities as most of the sex tourists are male and the number of female sex tourist is notably poor but growing steadily.  Currently, Female Sex tourism takes place globally among female tourists with a variety of different demographics.Yet, women sex tourists are usually from 1st world countries whose classes vary from middle to upper class.  They visit 2nd and 3rd world countries like Indonesia, Jamaica, and Kenya etc to hook up with local gigolos.Reasons for women becoming sex tourists

Female sex tourists of all classes and ages take part in sex tourism just for fulfilling own purposes. Some spend money on local escorts just because they want to have sex with local gigolos and some look for romance which they can not find from own area. Among of all, sex tourism is spreading rapidly and another global buzzword at present.Though women sex tourism is growing, it is still kept as a secret because of some people’s beliefs. Many people think that female must not meet and hook up with other men who don’t belong to their race or ethnicity. Women’s participation in this type of activity is treated more abominable than men’s participation.

Female Sex Tourism Hotspots


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Things got popular and real condition of Bali exposed in 2010 after the releasing of a documentary film titled “Cowboys in Paradise “. A freelance film creator Amit Vimanis created the film which showed the real scene of sex business or sex tourism in Bali, Indonesia. Women around the world pay visits to Indonesia for trying the males of Bali who are called Kuta Cowboys.Jamaica

A documentary film named “Rent-A-Rasta” directed by J. Micheal Stewert gives us the idea on female sex tourism in Jamaica. The documentary shows that many women take a trip to Jamaica for some enjoyment under the sun and also R&R. Here R&R does not mean Rest and Relaxation rather it means Rent-A-Rasta. Women hire Jamaican men who are called “Big Bamboo” for having an exciting session. This is called Rent-A-Rasta

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Senegal which is well know for the three S’s which means sea, sun and sex has been another hotspot for female tourists in recent years. The drum (djembes) players who are called “Rastas” are a hot item between women as they are known as “good in bed”.


Though Jordan is famous as a Holy Land, Many women sex hunters travel here for a little fun. The desert resorts, the shiny oasis and above all the appealing Jordan Marlboro men are so attractive that women can not refuse to accept them.


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Kenya, possibly the most famous place for women sex tourists was featured in a film where a mid-age lady (Margarethe Tisel) who visited Kenya to hook up with Kenyan escorts. The woman was admired at the Cannes Film Festival. Ulrich Seidl directed the film titled “In Paradise: Love”.Is Sex Tourism Good or Bad?Everyone has their own way of leading life. Good or evil can not be defined by one person’s opinion because each should have different opinions about it. The society seems to oppose many things but why should anyone ignore his/her happiness for the social values? There is nothing wrong here if two adult individuals have an exciting session upon mutual agreement. If anyone has problem with it, Get over it. Because its your life, color it the way you want.

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Comment by LatianLova September 23, 2013 at 8:55 am

girls are also looking for pleasure…

Comment by Labialover September 25, 2013 at 1:57 pm

sex tourism was a really a business

Comment by W1ldboi October 3, 2013 at 10:15 am

this proves that women can do what man can do…

Comment by W1ldboi October 31, 2013 at 2:10 pm

You gotta watch this documentary film. So real and idealistic.

Comment by Oldluv November 1, 2013 at 9:59 am

Take a try at Senegal’s 3′s hotspot. Enjoy the most of your stay here.

Comment by W1ldboi November 1, 2013 at 10:43 am

Sex Tourism is an old culture, no wonder boys and girls are engaged with it.

Comment by LatianLova November 3, 2013 at 11:20 am

Jordan hunks are being hunted by female sex tourists because of their great body and built.

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