In this article we will cover some important points to understand how to boost your escorting business and income, and optimizing it. To really get your incoming cash flowing in greater quantities then hiring the right people is of utmost importance. We all know customer service is imperative. Actions speak louder than words, especially in this business . However it all starts with a phone call, usually. So your customers will hear you first, and this will almost always be their first impression of the business. Therefore the person handling the incoming calls, their communication skills are of utmost importance.
Your phone person or receptionist he might be more like an office manager because they will help your business grow and succeed, furthermore they can be even helpful in bringing clients. Next is Rules Of Conduct…that is to handle credit cards,or dealing with unruly clients. Consequently this volume is essential for finding,hiring,training and keeping your phone people and tips are given like How to Separate the Best From the Rest When Interviewing. There are three essential items that’ll tell you right away if someone should even be considered at all and if anyone messes you can easily make our is it a good phone person. Also find out what these essentials are,and you’ll save yourself a world of trouble right from the start. How To Pay Them: that is what is the best way to pay and all the do’s and don’ts so that you can make an informed choice for your escort agency. In addition to it 25 pages of instructions and guidance for handling your day to day activities and what routine checks are to followed from morning to evening are given in Procedures for Day to Day Activities.
All this will help you run your escort agency like clockwork.
VOLUME 4 – Your Escort Agency Driver: A Delivery Service for Your Clients And A Safety Net for You & Your Escorts .Your escort agency driver is an absolutely part and parcel of any successful escort service. The persons you choose for this position have the power to make or break your escort business. Consider them the eyes and ears as they are the ones in closest contact with your escorts. Furthermore they are the first line of defence when security and safety of your ladies comes because they are the ones who are going to make everything right if anything goes wrong.The last thing you want or need is a
dishonest or lazy individual in this key position. Volume 4 shows you the “ins and outs” in selecting, hiring and training your agency’s drivers. And you will learn everything Everything A Driver Must Be – Jack Of All Trades.he 10 Point “Must-Do” Check List For Each Driver – Make sure your driver has this down pat – or you’ll pay the price in lost calls. How To Collect Payments – as your drivers will be handling a lot of your money and so make sure they know all the procedures so that later on you don’t stand with an empty bag.he Specific Items A Driver Must Give The Escort Before Each Appointment – Never assume your escorts are always prepared!as Your driver is your “fail safe insurance policy.” What The Driver Must Do WITHOUT FAIL When Dropping Escorts Off – No excuses – this is a priority! A Full 23 Page Rule Book –as this book covers everything. Payment Structure – There are several different ways you can pay your driver. Moreover ,What Every Driver Must Sign Before Being Hired. Grounds For Firing – As Well As Immediate Termination and no-no’s you cannot tolerate. Know what limits to set – and when to pull the plug.Volume 4 is a complete real-world plan of action. It’s a must have for anyone getting into the adult escort business.
VOLUME 5 – Run Your Escort Service Like a Profit Machine With An Encyclopedia of Practical Administrative Advice Running a successful escort agency takes more than just desire. It takes administrative work. Sure administration isn’t glamorous or even exciting. But it’s something that’s absolutely necessary if you ever want your escort service to succeed and make you the money your hard work deserves. Everything’s here: Forms, forms … and more forms and tons of contracts. If you don’t see it in Volume 5 – you won’t need it. I will tell you how Advertising works and you’ll find exactly what you need. you’ll be using all that i have written So don’t re-invent the wheel – just copy mine. Whether it’s for the Yellow Pages, local newspaper or even a “professional” publication dozens of successful examples have been mentioned. Sample Rate Cards – What to Charge. I’ve developed escort service industry rate cards with almost every conceivable combination of services and hours possible with competitive rates and what the escorts are charging right now. Volume 5 does the grunt work for you and It will save you time and effort . However, my how to guide is a QUICKER and more simple
way of getting into the business FAST with little or NO money up front. I will make you understand easy and fast way for you to where you can be running your escort agency within a limited time. So it is the right time and purchase my how to guide for $200.00 and I guarantee you’ll be happy with the results. It will prove to be the best investment you’ve ever made in a long term. That’s my promise to you. An email support is offered to you for your business for the first month after your purchase for just $20/email.It may sound like a lot to you, but compared to the amount of money you’ll already be making by the time you need my help, it will be pocket change .